Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shalom Chaver

Welcome to the Bus 5 Blog. This blog is dedicated to improving ourselves, minute by minute, step by step, post by post. A way to communicate and have open dialogue about many (difficult) issues before the summer begins or to spew useless hatred because it is easier online when not in front of the persons face (Chaim Cohen you are our weakest link). My name is Chaim G (Known on the blog as Captain G) and I will be taking us through this adventure of self exploration and growth.

Captain G

PS - 10 points for the first person to identify the reference in the title
PPS - Chaim and I stole (that is not one email address but all eight of them)
PPPS - All words in brackets should not be pronounced but just glanced at with your eyes

1 comment:

  1. What is Bill Clinton to Yitzhak Rabin, most famously at the latter's funeral. Boom!
