Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Emunah Part 1 - There is no Atheist in the Foxhole and no Believer out of it

I'm going to say this on this session and it goes for all of them. The sessions are really good. I have minor critiques and this is just my view of the best way I think it would be to present them. PLEASE DISAGREE WITH ME. the point is for there to be open dialogue improving everyone's sessions together at the same time.

In shaalvim we had a vaad and the Rav (his name is not important) always used to say this line "There is no atheist in the foxholes but there is no true believer out of it". I think the assumption going into this session is that the kids have some realization of G-d  and have that one moment of beliefe. The rambam starts out saying that before we discuss the torah we need to have beliefe in G-d. There are many different ways one can come to this belief and an open discussion on why each kid believes/came to this belief can be very important. That can transition in to why we feel different ways at different times (highlighted by the poem). Rav Judah once tweeted "Feeling distant from God is subjective- just your own feeling, not the reality" (Sichos HaRan #52)".  I think this is what the second point is trying to tell us. The last part is saying how feelings are only good up to a certain point. The way we really feel something and develop a relationship is showing commitment to that relationship. I think another important part that is missing from the developing the relataionship is the ability to talk to God. Not that this should become a teffila push but the ability to just say thanks to God, or ask a simple thing from God. We have the ability to grow this relationship by just simply making God apart of our everyday lives and this is an important thing to stress.

Shkoyach Gadol

Captain G

PS - I had a few hebrew sources which I thought could have been relevant, should I include them? 

1 comment:

  1. Sam showed me another session about believing in G-d that she got elsewhere. I'm going to ask her to post it.. it's really good
